سخنرانی دکتر وحید احمدی با عنوان: Recent trends and progress in perovskite-based devices

 | تاریخ ارسال: 1400/9/20 | 
Recent trends and progress in perovskite-based devices
In the past decade, perovskite-based devices have attracted tremendous attention around the world. Perovskite materials, as an active layer, are used in a variety of devices, including capacitors, sensors and detectors, memories, catalysts, fuel cells, and optoelectronic devices, including solar cells and light-emitting diodes (LEDs). In this talk, first, the perovskite-based solar cells and LEDs structures and their operation principles will be introduced. Then, the challenges and obstacles in the commercialization of these devices are investigated and the solutions are presented. It also provides a vision of the future of these devices and their applications.
VAHID AHMADI received his PhD degree in electronic engineering from Kyoto University, Japan, in ۱۹۹۴. He was the Head of the Electrical Engineering Department, Tarbiat Modares University (TMU) from ۲۰۰۶ to ۲۰۰۸. He is currently a Professor at TMU, Tehran, Iran. His current research interests include nanophotonics, plasmonics, and biophotonic devices, nonlinear optics, photonic crystal and metamaterial-based devices, organic-based light sources and sensors, Perovskite-based solar cells, photonic topological-based devices, graphene, and ۲D materials-based photonic devices.
He is a member of the Founders-Board of Optics and Photonics Society of Iran, the editorial board member of the International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Research, and the Optical and Quantum Electronics. He is the author/co-author of more than ۳۸۰ scientific papers presented in journals and conferences. He is currently the chair of IEEE Iran-section, the Chair of the Optoelectronics and Photonics Research Group, and the Head Nano-Optoelectronics Laboratory, TMU.

دفعات مشاهده: 1643 بار   |   دفعات چاپ: 249 بار   |   دفعات ارسال به دیگران: 0 بار   |   0 نظر