
 | Post date: 2021/07/18 | 
Tarbiat Modares University is proud to hold the 3rd Iranian International Conference on Microelectronics with the participation of Iranian veterans and elites inside and outside the country and with the support of prestigious universities on 22-24 December 2021. The conference committee invites all researchers, experts, specialists and active in universities, industries and organizations related to design, fabrication technology, testing and application of the integrated electronic circuits and systems-abbreviated as microelectronics- to submit their articles to the conference. The article should contain the latest scientific findings in the scope of the conference Send feedback Side panels
The nine main topics of the conference are as follows:
  • Analog and mixed signal integrated circuits
  • Integrated Circuits and Digital Systems -Digital Memories and Circuits
  • Micro-machines, sensors and integrated sensors reading circuits
  • Photographers and monitors and optical integrated circuits
  • Integrated Radio Frequency circuits, telecommunication systems and integrated microwave circuits
  • Integrated power and energy management circuits
  • Semiconductor devices, manufacturing and packaging technologies
  • Integrated circuits of medical and biological engineering
  • Microelectronics Economics and Business
Simultaneously with the conference, keynote speeches will be delivered by internationally renowned activists, especially by Iranian colleagues from universities around the world. There will also be workshops and specialized panels, and scientific competitions.

Executive Chair of the Third Iranian International Conference on Microelectronics.

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