Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

 | Post date: 2021/08/17 | 
1- Why the paper submission link is disabled?
2- When the results of paper reviewing process is announced?
3- Will all the decisions on paper submissions be announced at once?

1- Why the paper submission link is disabled? up

The official paper submission deadline has passed, and therefore, the related link is disabled. However, there is a chance for late paper submission, in some specail conditions and for a limited time period.  For more information, please refer to the paper submission menu.

2- When the results of paper reviewing process is announced? up

For the reviewing process, a period of 10 to15 days is considered. The decisions on submitted papers will be annoucned on 10 to 15 December. After that, there would be a short period of 3 to 5 days, for paper revision, final submission, and registeration in the website. 

3- Will all the decisions on paper submissions be announced at once? up

 Not necessarily. Those papers which their revicewer comments are received later to the technical program committee, their decision results will be announced later.  


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